How Many is Too Many?
This is where you can get into serious debate with the gun-haters. Those who would limit or abolish your rights always ask, “why does anyone need one, or more than one?” There are legitimate reasons for owning multiple sidearms, but the number one answer is, because you can.
But why should you. A firearm is a tool. And like other tools, are designed for multiple purposes. If you own one hammer, its usually a general claw hammer that you use for any purpose requiring a hammer. But hammers, like firearms, come in many configurations and are designed for specific tasks. There are general nailing hammers, with straight and curved claws, framing hammers, brick hammers, welding hammers, roofing hammers, ball peen hammers, sledge hammers, tack hammers, dead blow hammers, auto body work hammers, etc. A hammer with a fiberglass handle feels differently than one with a wood handle. Some of us own over a dozen hammers. Some get by with one. But those who want to have the right tool for the job and choices within some categories, will own several. The same is true of handguns.
If you buy your first handgun (a handgun or side arm is a pistol or revolver), and love it from day one, and it fulfills your needs for owning one, you can stop right there. But, as you train (practice firing at a range, etc.) and become more comfortable with a handgun, you might consider a larger caliber or frame. You might decide you want to add one to keep in your car. An upstairs pistol and a basement revolver. The more familiar and comfortable you become with your firearm, the more likely you will want to purchase another one. Seldom, when purchasing multiple firearms, does one add duplicates of previous purchases, more likely it’s to add different firearms to what can become a collection.
So, the answer is, there is no such thing as too many. And anyone who proposes limits to how many firearms an individual may own, is ignorant of too many factors to be taken seriously. Regardless of which “reason” motivates your purchase, the truth is, most of us would fall under multiple categories and if required or desired, can and should consider owning multiple firearms.
Recommendation: Purchase as many as you like. And that’s the bottom line.